Friday 20 July 2007

Mobile Content: hip-hop

The entertainment industry's expectation from mobile content is huge and it is set to increase three folds in the next one year! Service providers are apprehensive of this unprecedented rise in mobile content demand as it will not just increase the revenue but would also pressurize the existing bandwidth leading to slow down of download speed. But the recent mobile phenomenon -3G and its subsequent upgradation like HSDPA- have made data transfer a matter of seconds, drawing more and more consumers into its realms.

Ringtones, games and music remains the three most popular downloads. However, other lifestyle and Entertainment contents like daily horoscope, entertainment and showbiz news, Tarot card reading, love and relationship are fast catching up with the new generation of mobile phone users. Mobile content download in the recent past was plagued with security concerns, such as personal details being misused, overpriced content and mobile frauds, deterring many from using the services. In comparison, more secured and easy interfaced mobile content download hot-spots of today are simple, safe and intuitive from initial browsing through to payment and download.

So, if you want to give your digital companion a make over – the time is NOW!

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