Modern day work pressures demand the very best from us and we tend to do all that it takes to emerge with flying colors from difficult situations. The role played by electronics gadgets and the latest innovations cannot be over emphasized in this context. One could take the case of Acer TravelMate laptops as a case in point. These sophisticated gadgets enable us to remain connected with our daily work schedules – 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. As a matter of fact, these laptops are designed for the professional users. Powered by the Intel processors and having some of the very best options in networking, the Acer TravelMate laptops are proving their versatility and usefulness among business users in more ways than one.
I can mention some very important series of these laptops to substantiate my claim for their superiority. The Acer TravelMate 4200 Series, 3200 Series and 5300 Series can be mentioned in this context. Laptops from the 4200 series come with Intel Core Duo processor, a DDR2 system memory and a large and bright screen among other things. On the other hand, the Intel Centrino Mobile processor is there in the laptops from the 3200 series. The 64 MB of dedicated graphics make the proceedings all the more interesting. The 5300 series from Acer TravelMate feature slick and sophisticated laptops that are powered by Intel Celeron M processors. A 15.4” wide-screen display with in-built Acer CrystalEye video camera makes the laptops from this series all the more desirable.
So, the next time, you are in a dilemma while choosing a notebook computer that could cater to your business needs in the most comprehensive manner, you know exactly which laptops to go for.
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